E-learning phase of the study session – “I, YOUTH ADVOCATE”

Course at a glance.pngThe first phase of our double study session “I, Youth Advocate” has just been launched. This is an e-learning phase, open to the participants on the Moodle platform.

The study session is organised by MIJARC EUROPE and DON BOSCO YOUTH NETWORK in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe – European Youth Centre Budapest. 

The e-learning phase covers two learning modules and aims to give a short introduction to the topic of advocacy.

Module 1 overview.pngThe first module is designed to get participants familiar with the platform, get to know each other and the team of facilitators, learn about the Council of Europe, DBYN and MIJARC Europe and start making connections between their local realities, their roles within their organisations and the study session.

Module 2The second module gives a closer look into the TOPIC of advocacy and aims to set a really good and COMMON BASE for the study session itself.

The residential phase of the study session takes place between 7-10 October 2019 and it is hosted by the European Youth Center in Budapest. 

The e-learning phase will be open initially only to registered participants but it will be made publicly available to all those interested in the topic.